Thunder God Music

Official Website of Thunder God

Category: amplifierworship

Framus Dragon Top

Recently an old pal asked me some questions about re-covering a “once loved” Framus Dragon Top. Of course I was happy to give him some answers and I would be happy to lend a hand doing it (especially if that means getting to play test this one m/). With three independent channels, each with it’s own EQ, I might be “testing” for quite some time!

Camo Master – Electric Amp

This MASTER head from Electric Amp Innovations was part of the inspiration for the recovering I did on my amp! By the way, these amps are amazing!


Wata of Boris – Orange Amplification

Wata of Boris. Orange Amplification. Heads pictured: Looks like an AD30 and likely OD120, not sure what the combo and middle head are! Can you name them?
